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Mushroom Spotter's Deck: A Field Guide to Fungi & Their Age-Old Wisdom
by Megan Lynn Kott Author
Gain insight and knowledge about the marvelous world of fungi with this gorgeously-illustrated 78-card deck.…
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Kitten Lady’s CATivity Book: Coloring, Crafts, and Activities for Cat Lovers of All Ages
by Hannah Shaw Author and Megan Lynn Kott Illustrator
The purr-fect book for cat lovers. These feline games and activities have some serious cattitude. In addition to the…
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Pawmistry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe with Cats
by Megan Lynn Kott Author
A tongue-in-cheek guide to discerning the mystical and unraveling the secret knowledge hidden with the universe...…
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Unfamiliar Familiars: Extraordinary Animal Companions for the Modern Witch
by Megan Lynn Kott Author and Justin DeVine Author
Discover the witchy familiar that perfectly matches your personality. From an earthworm to an albatross to a narwhal,…
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Cat Tarot: 78 Cards & Guidebook
by Megan Lynn Kott Illustrator
A 78 card deck based around everyone's favorite feline companions! This tarot deck is based on the imagery and…
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Cats are the Worst
by Megan Lynn Kott Illustrator and Bexy McFly Author
This comical look at our feline friends show their perspective to our common grievances with the lion in our home.…
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