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Megamunden is an elusive illustrator and tattoo artist based in Brighton, England. He leaves his work on everything from billboards and paper to figurines and skin. His melting-pot style is influenced by psychedelia, vintage skate art, nature, and the Far East, and his designs have been used by Volvo, Carhartt, Nike Snowboarding, Levi's, and several other companies. He also works as a full-time lead designer for ILoveDust.

Tattoo Color-In Postcards
by Megamunden Author
Do you need inspiration for your next tattoo? Are you looking for some cool and popular images to creatively color? Then…
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The Tattoo Coloring Book
by Megamunden Author
This is a seriously gorgeous art book, that happens to be colorable. Use as flash, as a book to look through and dream…
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Tattoo Tarot
by Diana McMahon Collis Author and Megamunden Illustrator
I bet you wondered if there were tarots cards designed in a classic tattoo styling, huh? Well, here you go. Enjoy the…
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The Tattoo Flash Coloring Book
by Megamunden Author
MEGAMUNDEN, creator of the best-selling The Tattoo Coloring Book, takes coloring to the next level in this stunning…
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