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Meadow Shadowhawk is a former veterinary technician, an occupation that sparked her interest in Allopathic and Naturopathic medicine as well as a holistic approach to health and nutrition. Her research over the past 40 years has included studies with various indigenous tribes and ancient teachings as well as modern advances in science. Her commitment to living a healthy lifestyle included the natural child birth and breastfeeding of both of her children. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family.

$25-40-60 Superpack: Owning Our Damage Warehouse Sale! (Published Books)
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10 books worth $130, yours for just $40... it doesn't get much better than that! Here's a snapshot of publishing…
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Detox Your Place: Room by Room Remedies for Nontoxic Living
by Meadow Shadowhawk Author
Looking to detox your home without the use of harsh chemicals, overly processed cleaning products, or by any other…
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$20 Superpack of Enjoyable Distractions
by Elly Blue Author, Kate Lopresti Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Meadow Shadowhawk Author, 3 more
Sometimes you want to know everything that's going on around you, your brain whirring like a machine, soaking it all in.…
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Amica's World: How a Giant Bird Came into Our Heart and Home
by Meadow Shadowhawk Author, Washo Shadowhawk Author and Jane Goodall Foreword
Amica is a rhea—a flightless bird in the ratite family, related to ostriches, emus, and kiwis. Amica was adopted as a…
$16.95 6 comments
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