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Born in Marietta, Georgia in 1978, Max Clotfelter creates comics that range in subject from auto-bio to acid-burnt, post-apocalyptic fiction, all thematically bound by a bleak southern gothic sense of humor. He has self-published nearly one hundred zines and mini-comics since discovering how to make double-sided copies in the mid-nineties. His work has appeared in Best American ComicsSlow Death ZeroMineshaft, and Treasury of Mini Comics Volume One & Two (published by Fantagraphics Books). Max currently resides in Seattle Washington with his partner and frequent comic collaborator, Kelly Froh.

Rooftop Stew

by Max Clotfelter Author

Rooftop Stew collects a plethora of Max Clotfelter’s depraved comics, both fictional and autobiographical, blending…


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