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The Rock: Colorful Fantasies with a Powerful Charmer (Crush + Color)
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
This is a coloring book for fans of Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock, a cultural icon. It offers a new way for his millions…
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Harry Styles: Colorful Fantasies With a Dreamy Icon (Crush + Color)
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
This new book in the Crush and Color series features original illustrations by bestselling illustrator Maurizio…
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Idris Elba (Crush and Color): Colorful with the Sexiest Man Ever
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
We all know Idris Elba is a dreamboat. With this new book, you'll have the opportunity to color in dozens of line…
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Twentieth-Century Foxes (Crush and Color): Colorful Fantasies With Old-School Heartthrobs
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
From the Crush and Color series, this volume offers colorers the chance to fill in the lines on some of the sexiest men…
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Country Music Heartthrobs - Colorful Fantasies with the Cowboys of Song
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
Do you lust after the good old boys of country music? Country Music Heartthrobs has hand drawn illustrations of country…
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Keanu Reeves: Colorful Fantasies with a Mysterious Hero
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
Live out all your Keanu dreams with this ultimate fangirl dream coloring book. Delight in his dreamy mystique and heroic…
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Lizzo: Colorful Adventures with Your Best Girlfriend
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
Grab a copy of this coloring book and get coloring with your pal Lizzo! With dozens of scenes depicting Lizzo in all her…
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Lebron James (Crush and Color): Colorful Fantasies with the King of Basketball
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
One of the best players in the history of the sport, Lebron James isn't just a basketball star. He's also smokin' hot.…
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Jason Momoa: A Coloring Book of Fantasies with an Epic Dreamboat
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
Do you think Jason Momoa is impossibly hot? Does he routinely appear in your dreams? Do you enjoy coloring? If the…
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OK Boomer: A Coloring Book of the Gas-Guzzling, Wealth-Hoarding, Technology-Phobic Generation That Controls Everything
by Maurizio Campidelli Author
“Ok Boomer” swept the internet as a catchphrase for the frustration felt by millennials and Generation Z toward what…
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