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Mary McDonald is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Montana, a California registered therapist, and a licensed teacher with master’s degrees in counseling psychology and culturally responsive pedagogy. Mary studied depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where she learned how psychological healing can occur through exploring the rejected and repressed parts of the self. She speaks about and specializes in treating people who struggle with women’s issues including trauma, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and hormone imbalance. Using a feminist approach to psychotherapy, she has helped those who struggle with patriarchal oppression find their voice, strength, and inner wisdom. Through her own personal journey to work through PMDD, bulimia, and depression, she found that art, ritual, and depth therapy were necessary tools in empowering her to manage the side effects of hormonal imbalance.
You can find her online at

Our Sacred Cycle: A Workbook to Reclaim Your Period from PMS and PMDD
by Mary McDonald Author
Your period doesn't have to ruin your life. Sometimes our menstrual symptoms prevent us from showing up the way we…
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One Sacred Cycle: Four Phases for Every Menstruator
by Mary McDonald Author
Connect with the power of your period in just one cycle. Have your menstrual symptoms prevented you from showing up the…
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