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Magnus Frederiksen is an illustrator and graphic designer living in Stockholm, Sweden. He works mostly with typography and book covers but also develops his own photo and coloring books and teaches at Forsberg School.

Banksy Coloring Book: Unofficial
by Magnus Frederiksen Author
The work of Banksy has captivated generations over the last 20 years. The brilliant comments about politics and the…
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The Twisted Adult Coloring Book
by Magnus Frederiksen Author
Have you ever heard of the Fetish Coloring book and Dirty Coloring book? Well here comes an absurd journey through the…
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The Dirty Coloring Book
by Magnus Frederiksen Author
A brand new NSFW coloring book from the artist behind the best-selling "Fetish Coloring Book"! The success is complete.…
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The Fetish Coloring Book
by Magnus Frederiksen Author and Glafisk Author
Color in your own fantasy with your new favorite, very NSFW, coloring book.Here you'll find bizarre and kinky fetishes…
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