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Maggie Herskovits finds joy connecting with people + place and walking amongst the trees. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she now resides in Winooski, VT, where she continues to write, garden, and lead urban plant walks. She has worked as a gardener in NYC parks and private residences as well as garden educator and horticulture therapist. She loves to draw, laugh, bike and be with her husband Xander and son Tal. Visit her online at:

An Urban Field Guide to the Plants, Trees, and Herbs in Your Path
by Maggie Herskovits Author
Befriend the plants in your neighborhood. Imagine going for a walk with a knowledgeable friend who points out all the…
$14.99 1 comment
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An Urban Field Guide to the Herbs in Your Path
by Maggie Herskovits Author
Herbs are all around us, growing in the wild and in man-made spaces alike. In this pocket-sized guide, author Maggie…
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An Urban Field Guide to the Plants in Your Path
by Maggie Herskovits Author
This little field guide presents 15 plants that can be found growing throughout your urban home. Detailed illustrations…
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