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Laura Stanfill is the author of Singing Lessons for the Stylish Canary (Lanternfish) and the publisher of Forest Avenue Press.

Sad House: Parenting, Grief, and Creativity in the Coronavirus Crisis
by Laura Stanfill Author
There’s no guidebook for parenting during a pandemic. Sheltering at home means being yourself in front of your kids,…
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Neurodivergent Pride #4: Being Taken Advantage Of
by Joe Biel Editor, Temple Grandin, Ph.D Contributor, Eliot Daughtry Contributor, Kriss De Jong Contributor, Partly Robot Contributor, Laura Stanfill Contributor and Emily Velasquez Contributor
The first time that I met my favorite autistic mentee, she walked right up to me, declaring “You don’t look like…
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Round the Clock Joe: Celebrating 24 Years of Microcosm Publishing (A Love Zine)
by Elly Blue Editor, Sidnee Grubb Series Editor, Dr. Faith G. Harper Contributor, Nick Perry Author, Jessica Mullen Author, 6 more
In honor of the 24th anniversary of Microcosm, we solicited true stories from people who have known founder and…
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