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Kes Otter Lieffe is a working class, chronically ill, femme, trans woman. She is an author, facilitator and community organiser currently based in Berlin.
Kes is the author of a trilogy of trans speculative fiction novels. Her first short story was published in Our Entangled Future, an anthology on social change and the climate crisis. Her short story 'Soft' was published in the queer resilience anthology Glitter + Ashes.
Kes writes articles about class, gender, and queerness. Most recently, her article 'Surviving Utopia' was published on Strange Horizons. Kes is also the author of the colouring zine Queer Animals that has been featured in the Bern Natural History Museum.
A grassroots community organiser for over two decades, Kes has worked and organised in Europe, the Middle-East and Latin America. Her work focuses particularly on the intersection of gender, queerness and environmental struggles and creating radical alternatives to the trash-fire of capitalism. She has spoken as a panelist, keynote speaker and facilitator in various contexts, from protest camps to university institutions.
Kes is a community organiser with aequa in Berlin and currently facilitates workshops on subjects including trans-competency, queer ecology, consensus and story-telling.

$25 Superpack: Queer Contentment Coloring
by Super Pack! Author, Joe Carlough Author, Ally Shwed Author, Kes Otter Lieffe Author and Anja Van Geert Author
Color in your world with these two affirming, adorable coloring books!Includes:The Queer Affirmations Coloring BookThe…
$29.90 $25.00

Queer Animals & Plants Coloring Book
by Kes Otter Lieffe Author and Anja Van Geert Illustrator
Lesbian gulls, intersex grizzly bears, gay orgies of manatees, trans clownfish, binary-smashing lichens, sex-changing…
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Queer Animals Coloring Book
by Kes Otter Lieffe Author and Anja Van Geert Author
Lesbian lizards, gay orgies of manatees, polyamorous oystercatchers, trans clownfish, bisexual red deer, and…
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$25 Superpack: Queer Zines
by Super Pack! Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Robert Wildwood Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Kes Otter Lieffe Author, 3 more
We've got queer zines for you—in this selection from our catalog, you'll learn some skills and facts, read exciting…
$27.00 $25.00

Margins and Murmurations
by Kes Otter Lieffe Author
In a militarized and totalitarian future that has been ravaged by climate change, Ash, a trans woman, lives outside of…
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