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Practical Magic Notebooks: Set of 3 Blank Notebooks
by Katie Vernon Author
It's a kind of magic. Using full-color watercolor illustrations, this whimsical set of 3 blank notebooks is as esoteric…
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Practical Magic Notecards: 20 Notecards and Envelopes
by Katie Vernon Illustrator
Drawing on Practical Magic's watercolor illustrations, these notecards provide calm in their depictions of crystals,…
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Magical Places: An Enchanted Journey through Mystical Sites, Haunted Houses, and Fairytale Forests
by Nikki Van De Car Author and Katie Vernon Illustrator
Earth is full of stunning places, from fairy tale forests to haunted houses, and in Magical Places you can visit them…
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Practical Magic 18-Month Undated Planner
by Katie Vernon Illustrator
No matter what time of year you find yourself in, this planner can help you bring a little more order (and magic) to…
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The Best Damn Answers to Life's Hardest Questions: A Flowchart Book
by Tess Koman Author and Katie Vernon Author
Sometimes you need a couple jokes to help comprehend the world's mysteries, like how to understand a hangover. You'll…
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