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The Bicyclist's Guide to the Galaxy: Feminist, Fantastical Tales of Books and Bikes
by Elly Blue Editor, Cara Brezina Contributor, Kathleen Jowitt Contributor, Lisa Timpf Contributor, Taru Luojola Contributor and Avery Vanderlyle Contributor
The power of the pedal and the page shine through in these ten joyfully feminist science fiction and fantasy stories.…
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Bicycles & Broomsticks: Fantastical Feminist Stories about Witches on Bikes
by Gretchin Lair Contributor, Gerta Oparaku Egy Cover, M. Lopes da Silva Contributor, Monique Cuillerier Contributor, Elly Blue Editor, Ether Nepenthes Contributor and Kathleen Jowitt Contributor
A coven races—literally—to fight off the magic smog that threatens their city. A janitor at the last rocket launch…
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C.A.T.S.: Cycling Across Time And Space: 11 Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories about Bicycling and Cats
by Elly Blue Editor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Cecilia Granata Contributor, Monique Cuillerier Contributor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, Summer Jewel Keown Contributor and Kathleen Jowitt Contributor
Has your cat been plotting to take command of your spaceship? This and other important questions are tackled in the 11…
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