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Good Night Summer
by Adam Gamble Author, Mark Jasper Author and Katherine Blackmore Illustrator
This adorable bedtime book captures the joys of summer, from fireworks on the Fourth of July to swimming at the…
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Good Night Bedtime (Good Night Our World)
by Adam Gamble Author, Mark Jasper Author and Katherine Blackmore Illustrator
A snoozy, lovey, cuddly, cozy, kissy, huggy, dozy bedtime, with a good night’s rest and sweet dreams for all are…
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Good Night Hanukkah (Good Night Our World)
by Adam Gamble Author, Mark Jasper Author and Katherine Blackmore Illustrator
Good Night Hanukkah highlights the menorah, family dinner, blessings, songs, potato latkes, beef brisket, jelly donuts,…
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Good Night Love (Good Night Our World)
by Adam Gamble Author, Mark Jasper Author and Katherine Blackmore Illustrator
Good Night Love features marital love, friendship love, love for a sibling, love for one’s baby, love for…
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Good Night Yoga (Good Night Our World)
by Diane Kovanda Author, Adam Gamble Author and Katherine Blackmore Illustrator
Good Night Yoga features deep-breathing exercises, yoga on the beach, yoga instructors, and various yoga poses including…
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