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K.Ruby Blume is an urban farmer, educator, artist, author, and activist. Ruby holds certificates in permaculture design, massage and life coaching and has studied botany, native plant ecology and herbal medicine. In 2008 Ruby founded The Institute of Urban Homesteading, a small school of urban sustainability offering short information-dense classes for the busy urbanite in Oakland CA. Ruby co-authored the book Urban Homesteading: Heirloom Skills for Sustainable Living (Skyhorse 2011) as well as the cult handbook for puppetistas world over, Wise Fool Basics. She has been featured in many local and national periodicals including Urban Farm Magazine, Bee Culture Magazine, and the San Francisco Chronicle.

$25 Superpack: Kitchen Wizardry 401
by K. Ruby Blume Author, Sandor Ellix Katz Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Love to cook and want to level up your kitchen skills? Or are you newer to the ways of the kitchen and want to build a…
$40.00 $25.00

Everyday Cheesemaking: How to Succeed Making Dairy and Nut Cheese at Home
by K. Ruby Blume Author
Everyday Cheesemaking is an introduction to DIY home cheese making made simple and accessible. K. Ruby Blume introduces…
$12.95 3 comments
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