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The Modern Witchcraft Book of Moon Magick: Your Complete Guide to Embracing Your Magick with the Power of the Moon
by Julia Halina Hadas Author
Incorporate lunar energy into your magickal practice with this guide to the powers of the moon. Understand how every…
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The Modern Witchcraft Book of Astrology: Your Complete Guide to Empowering Your Magick with the Energy of the Planets
by Julia Halina Hadas Author
An astrological guide specifically written for witches seeking to incorporate the study of celestial bodies into their…
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Moon, Magic, Mixology: From Lunar Love Spell Sangria to the Solar Eclipse Sour, 70 Celestial Drinks Infused with Cosmic Power
by Julia Halina Hadas Author
For the enterprising and magically-inclined mixologist, this book of cocktail recipes offers you a way to summon the…
$16.99 2 comments
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WitchCraft Cocktails: 70 Seasonal Drinks Infused with Magic & Ritual
by Julia Halina Hadas Author
We're all familiar with the "witch's brew" trope of a boiling cauldron and a potion involving toenails or frog bits.…
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