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Living the Artist's Way
by Julia Cameron Author
This book presents a new program, Living the Artist’s Way, teaches readers how to seek and accept guidance from author…
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Seeking Wisdom: A Spiritual Path To Creative Connection
by Julia Cameron Author
This invites readers to nurture their creativity by connecting with a higher power through the transformative practice…
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The Listening Path: The Creative Art of Attention (A 6-Week Artist's Way Program)
by Julia Cameron Author
In this timely volume, author Julia Cameron delves into the lost art of listening, an ability that seems to slip a…
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The Artist's Way: 30th Anniversary Edition
by Julia Cameron Author
In this groundbreaking book designed to help artists and other creatives find their creative spirit, author Julia…
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Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within
by Natalie Goldberg Author and Julia Cameron Foreword
With insight, humor, and practicality, Natalie Goldberg inspires writers and would-be writers to take the leap into…
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