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Josh Cassidy is a writer and Creative Director from Detroit, Michigan. He's created award-winning advertising campaigns for brands including Taco Bell, Dr Pepper, and Hyundai. Josh's work has been featured in places such as Fast Company, The New Yorker, Mashable, and has been viewed everywhere from the front page of Reddit to the Super Bowl. A member of Film Independent and Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Josh is also passionate about film, art, music, and pretty much everything creative. His other hobbies include shooting hoops, eating breakfast, and cheering for his underachieving Detroit sports teams.

If Animals Could Talk: An Adult Coloring Book for Adults
by Carla Butwin Illustrator and Josh Cassidy Author
From the bestselling book that went viral for traumatizing a 6-year-old and her precious grandmother (Google it) comes…
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If Animals Could Talk: A Children's Book for Adults
by Carla Butwin Author and Josh Cassidy Author
If animals could talk, what would they say? Certainly nothing polite, according to this hilarious illustrated book. On…
$14.99 4 comments
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