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The Lost Art of Enochian Magic: Angels, Invocations, and the Secrets Revealed to Dr. John Dee
by John DeSalvo Author and Lon Milo DuQuette Foreword
This guide offers instructions for Enochian magic meditations, examines John Dee’s original diaries from the British…
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Power Crystals: Spiritual and Magical Practices, Crystal Skulls, and Alien Technology
by John DeSalvo Author
An expert guide to the scientific, historical, and paranormal properties of quartz crystals. Explore the mythic,…
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Decoding the Enochian Secrets: God’s Most Holy Book to Mankind as Received by Dr. John Dee from Angelic Messengers
by John DeSalvo Author
For the first time, the full text of the Book of Enoch as transcribed from angelic communications received by John Dee,…
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Enochian Magic and the Higher Worlds: Beyond the Realm of the Angels
by John DeSalvo Author
John DeSalvo, doctor in biophysics, explains the history of Enochian magic starting in the 19th century when he…
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