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Flying Sucks (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
Iin this new installment of Papercuts Library, the sorry state of the United States’ commercial aviation industry is…
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Saving the World from Facebook (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
The goal of this book is to convince you to delete your Facebook account and encourage you to save your money and…
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Let's Make the Equal Rights Amendment Unanimous (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
What will it take to get a handful of holdout states to finally do the right thing on equal rights? Let’s find out.…
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What You Don’t Know (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
The opening shot is aimed right at you in The Papercuts Library’s foundational treatise on personal ignorance. What…
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Vindication of the United States Postal Service (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
Whether you’ve always had a soft spot for the USPS or not, prepare to hear a sad and frustrating tale of what happens…
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Fragmenting Your Exposure to Big Tech (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
What is the nature of your relationship with Big Tech? Just like clicking agree on terms of service without reading…
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Results of the Longest Bull Market in American History (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
Before we talk about what has been lost since its end, let’s take a moment to consider what was not gained during the…
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It is Time for Moderate America to Speak Up (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. That’s all we are going to hear if the squeaky wheels of the world continue…
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You and Your Phone are Boring (Papercuts Library)
by Joey Sellers Author
Do you know someone who has a problem with their smartphone use? … Is it you? If you’ve ever thought your phone…
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