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The Game Master's Book of Legendary Dragons
by Aaron Hübrich Author, Dan Dillon Author, Cody C. Lewis Author, James J. Haeck Author, Jim Pinto Author and Jeff Ashworth Contributor
This resource offers Game Masters and players an exciting, fresh take on dragons, aiming to restore their awe-inspiring…
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Everything I Need to Know I Learned from RPGs
by Jeff Ashworth Author and Chris Seaman Author
This book is a tribute to pop culture’s role in living a meaningful life. It combines Jeff Ashworth’s expertise in…
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The Game Master’s Handbook of Proactive Roleplaying: Guidelines and strategies for running PC-driven narratives in 5E adventures
by Jonah Fishel Author, Tristan Fishel Author and Jeff Ashworth Contributor
This RPG guidebook introduces a transformative approach to tabletop roleplaying games by encouraging players to…
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The Game Master's Book of Non-Player Characters: 500+ unique bartenders, brawlers, mages, merchants, royals, rogues, sages, sailors, warriors, weirdos and more for 5th edition RPG adventures (The Game Master Series)
by Jeff Ashworth Author
The Game Master’s Book of Non-Playable characters is an incredible reference for any tabletop Game Master, featuring…
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