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Ultimate RPG Tarot
by Jon Taylor Author and Jef Aldrich Author
Do you contain multitudes, namely multifarious interests such as sword and sorcery role playing games and tarot…
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The Düngeonmeister Cookbook: 75 RPG-Inspired Recipes to Level Up Your Game Night (Ultimate Role Playing Game Series)
by Jef Aldrich Author and Jon Taylor Photographer
This guide will teach readers to up their game nights with Role-Playing Game themed recipes. Featuring 75 options, from…
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The Ultimate RPG Quest Keeper: A Journal to Keep Your Campaign Rolling
by Jef Aldrich Author and Jon Taylor Author
This is a perfect tool for RPG players to chronicle every step of their games and record details about their quests,…
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A Dragon Walks Into a Bar (An RPG Joke Book): 300+ One-Liners, Zingers, and Jokes that will Slay
by Jon Taylor Author and Jef Aldrich Author
Why did the rogue always pickpocket bards? They have the best lute, hahahaha. Why don't druids ever get blamed for…
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