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Jason Hazeley is cowriter of Bollocks to Alton Towers and The Framley Examiner and has written for "a frankly stupid number" of comedy shows on radio and TV, including Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe. He can almost always be found either in London or at a pub (sometimes even at a pub in London).

Ladybird First Grown Up Picture Book
by Jason Hazeley Author and Joel Morris Author
When faced with the overwhelming obstacles of adulthood, many grown ups feel like nothing more than helpless kids.…
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How it Works: The Brother (A Ladybird Book)
by Jason Hazeley Author and Joel Morris Author
A kids book for adults collects all your sibling feels that will have you either reminiscing about life with brothers,…
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How it Works: The Sister (A Ladybird Book)
by Jason Hazeley Author and Joel Morris Author
This children's book that is very much NOT for children collects all your sibling feels that will have you either…
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The Ladybird Book of Balls
by Jason Hazeley Author and Joel Morris Author
Think kids book in terms of digestibility; large clear script, careful choice of words, thoughtful relationships between…
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How it Works: The Baby (A Ladybird Book)
by Jason Hazeley Author and Joel Morris Author
Babies are kinda gross, and this children's book for adults isn't afraid to go there in full self-deprecating force. All…
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The Fireside Grown-Up Guide to Mindfulness
by Jason Hazeley Author
A children's book for adults that pokes not-particularly-gentle fun at ideas like mindfulness and meditating. This is a…
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The Fireside Grown-Up Guide to the Hangover
by Jason Hazeley Author
This helpful little picture book introduces you to a familiar monster: the hangover. Some of us have trouble identifying…
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The Fireside Grown-Up Guide to the Mom
by Jason Hazeley Author
Okay this children's books for adults pulls NO punches. It pokes with ruthless effectiveness at every tender spot, from…
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