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Tarot for Love & Relationships: How to read the cards to nurture your heart & soul
by Jane Struthers Author
This book explores the tarot, taking a perspective that examines and sees it as a tool to introspect and better…
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The Astrology Directory: Star Signs Explained for Wisdom & Success
by Jane Struthers Author
You probably know your zodiac star sign, but do you know your planet placement? How retrograde can affect your life? In…
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Deck Of Fortune: How To Read Your Fortune in a Deck of Playing Cards
by Jane Struthers Author
Tarot readings are just one form of Cartomancy, the art of reading fortunes from cards. This book and kit will help you…
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Write Your Own Horoscope: Follow the Stars, Design Your Destiny
by Jane Struthers Author
This book won't just tell you your future, nor will it state your destiny. Instead, this beautifully illustrated guide…
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Attracting Abundance Oracle Cards
by Jane Struthers Author
A deck to help you access the abundance of the universe and its positive energy in all aspects of your life. Drawing on…
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Moonpower: How to Work with the Phases of the Moon and Plan Your Timing for Every Major Decision
by Jane Struthers Author
The moon not only affects the Earth’s tides, but it also can affect our moods and decision-making, as well as every…
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The Palmistry Bible: The Definitive Guide to Hand Reading
by Jane Struthers Author
An introduction to the history of Palmistry as well as techniques to evaluate hands and guidelines on how to give…
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