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This Book Is Not Garbage: 50 Ways to Ditch Plastic, Reduce Trash and Save the World!
by Isabel Thomas Author and Alex Paterson Author
This book is a children's guide to being more mindful about the environment. It is marketed to readers 8 to 12 and…
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One Million Insects
by Isabel Thomas Author and Lou Baker Smith Illustrator
Did you know that, as annoying as mosquitos might be, humans could not survive without insects? Deeply researched and…
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Little Guides to Great Lives: Frida Kahlo
by Marianna Madriz Author and Isabel Thomas Author
This colorful and beautifully illustrated guide chronicles the life of prolific artist Frida Kahlo. With a timeline and…
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Little Guides to Great Lives: Nelson Mandela
by Isabel Thomas Author and Hannah Warren Illustrator
In 1964 Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for treason. In 1994 he was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and the…
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Little Guides to Great Lives: Marie Curie
by Isabel Thomas Author and Anke Weckmann Illustrator
Learn about pioneering chemist Marie Curie's scientific achievements, such as the realization that "radioactivity was a…
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Little Guides to Great Lives: Amelia Earhart
by Dalia Adillon Author and Isabel Thomas Author
While there are parts of Amerlia Earhart's life that will probably always be a mystery, this colorfully illustrated book…
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