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The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness
by Inna Segal Author and Bernie S. Siegel Foreword
This book explores a holistic healing journey with renowned intuitive healer Inna Segal. She delves into the root causes…
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Understanding Modern Spirituality: An exploration of soul, spirit, and healing
by Inna Segal Author
Connect with your spiritual self in this guide to the soul, life, death, and more, perfect for beginner explorers. With…
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Healing Heart Oracle: Love letters to your soul
by Inna Segal Author and Jena Dellagrottaglia Illustrator
This deck aims to help users address, identify, understand their heart’s pain to then call upon the divine to heal.…
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Mystical Healing Reading Cards
by Jack Baddeley Author and Inna Segal Author
A unique deck offering the opportunity to release anxiety, fear, negativity, and ancestral patterns that no longer serve…
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Heal Yourself Reading Cards
by Inna Segal Author
This deck aims to be an emotional and evocative experience, textually and visually, to prompt the those looking to…
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Daily Healing Cards: Cards for Awakening Your Best Self (Mini Inspiration Cards)
by Inna Segal Author
For people looking for quick bits of affirmation and insight, direction, this mini deck of cards provides snippets of…
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