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Say More: Consent Conversations for Teens
by Kitty Stryker Author and Heather Corinna Foreword
Talking about consent can feel overwhelming, especially for young people who may be navigating their own boundaries for…
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What Fresh Hell is This?: Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities, and You
by Heather Corinna Author
In this humorous and helpful book, author and feminist activist Heather Corinna explains the processes of perimenopause…
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Pussypedia: A Comprehensive Guide
by Zoe Mendelson Author, Maria Conejo Illustrator and Heather Corinna Foreword
There is still a shocking lack of accurate, accessible information about pussies and many esteemed medical sources seem…
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Wait, What?: A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up
by Heather Corinna Author with Luke Howard and Isabella Rotman Author
An illustrated guide from sex educators that gives an age-appropriate reference to sex, bodies, relationships,…
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