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Spirits in Flowers Oracle Deck
by Gillian Kemp Author
This deck explores the different interpretations one can infer and get from flowers, comprised of 52 cards, a fully…
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Mermaids and Dolphins: And Magical Creatures of the Sea
by Gillian Kemp Author
Learn how to divine your fate while expressing the magic of the ocean's most beguiling creatures - the dolphin and…
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Celtic Goddesses and Their Spells: Discover your inner goddess through these amazing divinities
by Gillian Kemp Author
This book features 52 inspiring deities, all beautifully illustrated. Gillian Kemp gives a description of each goddess…
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Faerie Wisdom
by Gillian Kemp Author
This oracle deck features fairies and delves the querent into landscape of the fae, the world of the sprites of Celtic…
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The Celtic Goddess Oracle Deck: Includes 52 Cards and a 128-Page Illustrated Book
by Gillian Kemp Author
Discover the potency of Celtic goddesses and learn to channel the power of their divine femininity. With this oracle…
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The Good Spell Book: Love Charms, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery
by Gillian Kemp Author
The Good Spell Book: Love Charms, Magical Cures, and Other Practical Sorcery is a beautifully illustrated text that…
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The Tree Magick Oracle Deck
by Gillian Kemp Author
Trees have long held significance in many different cultures as a source of magical and spiritual power. Spirits,…
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The Modern Wiccan Box of Spells
by Gillian Kemp Author
Get in-tune with your inner witch--both their benevolent and wicked side! With 52 beautifully illustrated cards and an…
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