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What Shape Is Space? (The Big Idea Series): A Primer for the 21st Century
by Giles Sparrow Author and Matthew Taylor Editor
It may seem like such a simple question but the answer is much more difficult to pin down. What Shape Is Space? (The…
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History of the Universe in Stars (And Three Imposters)
by Giles Sparrow Author
An expert guide through 21 easily-viewed stars in our night sky (and three that don’t meet the technical requirements…
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The Stargazer's Handbook
by Giles Sparrow Author
From the craters of the moon to the far reaches of Orion, this book lets you dive into the universe without leaving…
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Astronomy in Minutes: The Night Sky Explained in an Instant
by In Minutes Author and Giles Sparrow Author
What makes Saturn so pretty? In what constellation are the Pleiades? This book looks at bodies within our own solar…
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Physics in Minutes: 200 Key Concepts Explained in an Instant
by In Minutes Author and Giles Sparrow Author
Physics is notoriously dense, but Sparrow is able to take these difficult topics and make them comprehensible and fun to…
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