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Gemma Correll is a cartoonist, illustrator, writer, and self-proclaimed "all-around small person." She's authored several books and comics, including her "Four Eyes" cartoon on and The Nib on She also has a weekly comic published in The Observer Sunday Magazine in the UK.

It's a Pug's Life
by Gemma Correll Author
Comical advice for pugs navigating the complexities of modern life. Through witty cartoons, it addresses the challenges…
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100 Reasons to Panic About Following Your Dreams
by Gemma Correll Author
We all have heard about the great reasons to follow your dreams - but, for all the anxiety-ridden dreamers out there,…
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A Pug's Guide to Good Manners: Lessons in Life for the Well-Rounded Pug
by Gemma Correll Author
Pugs—they do their own thing. Independent, headstrong little creatures, pugs sit when they should stand, go when they…
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Doodling for Tree Huggers & Nature Lovers: 50 Inspiring Doodle Prompts and Creative Exercises for Outdoorsy Types
by Gemma Correll Author
For seasoned artists, doodle enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike comes the perfect book! Easy to carry and with plenty…
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The Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy Saves Christmas
by Sam Stall Author and Gemma Correll Illustrator
You may have met Toby the Tube Guy in his classic board book Flailing at Life. Now, follow along with a more coherent…
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Doodling for Cat People
by Gemma Correll Author
Doodling for Cat People, with over 50 fun prompts, exercises, and feline facts, is perfect for on-the-go artists. It…
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The Feminist Activity Book
by Gemma Correll Author
Look no further than Gemma Correll’s Feminist Activity Book, where your dress up doll can wear whatever she wants and…
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Flailing at Life: Lessons from the Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
by Sam Stall Author and Gemma Correll Author
This long standing (and flailing) guy of all our strip-mall- and car-dealership-operated hearts captivates his readers…
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Oh, the Places You'll Eff Up: A Parody for Your Twenties
by Patrick Casey Author, Gemma Correll Author and Joshua Miller Author
Congrats! You've made it so far! You're an adult now. You're even allowed in bars. A hilarious graduation keepsake…
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