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You Need More Sleep: Advice from Cats
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
Our feline friends have spent eons observing, napping, pondering, napping, taking notes about the human condition, and…
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I Could Pee on This, Too: And More Poems by More Cats
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
There's a new cat in town! This feisty sibling of the international bestseller I Could Pee on This will be making its…
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All Cats Are Introverts
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
Do you prefer to be alone most of the time? Is being around people draining? Cat's get it, because they feel the same…
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Claw the System: Poems from the Cat Uprising
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
Ever think that the cat may take over? Or maybe cats have the right to take over? Well you're gonna get a kick out of…
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I Knead My Mommy: And Other Poems by Kittens
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
If kittens had the patience for poetry, and weren't so busy attacking your toes, scarfing down food, and passing out…
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I Could Chew On This
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
Dogs are some of the most prolific and underrated poets of our time. This short collection puts some of their best works…
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I Could Pee On This: And Other Poems By Cats
by Francesco Marciuliano Author
Only a cat could have written these hilarious LOLers. The quirkiness of our feline friends' insightful, curious,…
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