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Finn, aka Animal Bro, is a Serbian-Australian visual artist and author, living and working in Vienna, Austria.
Born and raised in Yugoslavia, he obtained an MFA in painting from the University of Fine Art in Belgrade, participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions and festivals, and a few international residencies.
In recent years his focus has shifted from drawing towards incorporating writing, visual narrative and storytelling as a way of merging his passions. Finn is working primarily with ink, mixed media and digital art. His interests include graphic novels, printing, zines and independent publishing.
Zines in particular have been central to his migrant experience, and to his personal and artistic growth. This community was where he was encouraged to tell his story, first visually and then increasingly including writing, and where he got exposed to a vast international network of diverse voices connected via post, zine fairs and social media. The experience greatly influenced his sense of identity and of belonging.
His comics often feature Kweerkat, an anthropomorphic cat alter-ego whose adventures are based on true events.

Transition Diaries
by Finn Animal Bro Author
An intimate, reflective, and charming personal account of coming out and transitioning, defying transmasc invisibility…
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Kweer Kat's Guide to Self-Care
by Finn Animal Bro Author
Join Kweer Kat as they read, preen, journal, cook, walk, play, soak, and perfect other key self-care activities we…
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Balkan Boi: Musings on Female Masculinity
by Finn Animal Bro Author
A very short introduction to the "sworn virgin"—a traditional third gender in the Balkans. The author finds much to…
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