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Eva Müller was born into a working class family in 1981. She grew up in a very small southwestern village in Germany, near the French border. Against all odds she finished her studies of social work with a Diploma in 2003. In 2017 her second studies at the HAW Hamburg ended with an exceptional Bachelor’s degree in Illustration. Since then, she has been a working author and artist based in Hamburg, Germany. 

She published several short comic stories in anthologies, magazines or self-published zines before she debuted with the graphic novel In The Futre, We Are Dead in Germany in October 2017. The book got translated into English by Birdcage Bottom Books and French by Editions Même Pas Mal. The book won several awards. Her second graphic novel Scheiblettenkind is being published in autumn 2022 by Suhrkamp Verlag in Germany and in 2023 by Birdcage Bottom Books in the U.S.

Eva presents her stories in multimedia readings at festivals, in cinemas or museums. She shares her knowledge in workshops for children and adults. As an artist in residency, she is traveling the world. She was, for example, one of the three 2018 "Media Artists in Residency" invited by the Agency of Cultural Affairs Tokyo, she was a fellow of the Camargo Foundation in France and a fellow of the Kone Foundation in Finland.

Eva received several awards and grants for her work. For example In The Future, We Are Dead was picked by the Japan Media Arts Festival as one of the best 10 comics in 2018. Scheiblettenkind was a Finalist at the Leibinger Comic Book Awards in Stuttgart, Germany and Eva received the Fritz Hüser Institute Grant, also for her work on Scheiblettenkind.

If you wanna know more about Eva and her work, check her homepage: and her Instagram @evazeichnet

In The Future, We Are Dead

by Eva Müller Author

This award-winning collection of short comics explores mortality over the course of nine vignettes. Originally written…


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