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Emma Alice Johnson grows wildflowers and writes. She lives on a farm dedicated to conservation of native plants and endangered insects. She has released a number of zines, chapbooks, micro press, and art press novellas. Her short fiction has appeared in more than 75 publications, including Dark Matter Presents Human Monsters, The Dark, Dark Discoveries, and other dark places. When she isn’t planting or writing, she can be found running through the woods with her pet pig, singing to her chickens, lifting weights, watching B-movies, or reading while snuggled with her cat. Learn more at

Ghouls Rule: A Celebration of Female Monsters in the Movies
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
Ghouls Rule is a celebration of female monsters and the actresses who played them. From vampires and werethings to…

Hybrid Moments: A Literary Tribute to the Misfits
by Emma Alice Johnson Author and Sam Richard Author
You know the songs. They’re etched into every punk’s brain. Not just because they’re catchy, but because there’s…

Ticks & How to Love Them
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
What would happen if we learned to love one of humankind's most loathed adversaries—the tick? They may be pesky or…
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Notes from Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture
by Stephen Duncombe Author and Emma Alice Johnson Foreword
Can zines save the world? Maybe, says Stephen Duncombe in the updated fourth edition of his groundbreaking study of…
$21.99 35 comments
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Midnight Queens: 80s Horror Movies Written and Directed by Women
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
A full-throated celebration of the heyday of pulp horror moviemaking, featuring a must-watch checklist of gory and…
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Not So Creepy Crawly: A Bug Lover's Guide to Insect Horror Films
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
Love bugs? Afraid of bugs? Love to be afraid of bugs? Any or all of the above? In these delightful pages, you'll learn…
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Unholy Passions: Musings of an Unrepentant Danzig Fangirl
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
"Every success he’s had has been against his will. No artist has fought harder against it." In intimate and…
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Bound by Blood: A Guide to Glenn Danzig's Verotik Comics
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
Verotik is an independent comic book publisher founded in the mid-1990s by Glenn Danzig, singer of horror punk band The…
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Lost in the Woods: The Joy of Not Knowing Where You Are
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
This gentle nature memoir with an anti-capitalist perspective will soothe you, make you think, and make you want to get…
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Alternatives to Beekeeping
by Emma Alice Johnson Author
Do you want to protect endangered pollinators and encourage native wildflowers and plants to flourish? After reading…
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