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Mischief in the Forest: A Yarn Yarn
by Derrick Jensen Author
Mrs. Johnson lives alone in the forest and loves to knit sweaters and mittens for her grandchildren in the city. One day…
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Monsters by Derrick Jensen
by Derrick Jensen Author
Monsters is an illustrated collection of wild, weird, and whimsical tales with a twist. These stories are not about…
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endgame: Volume 2 - Resistance
by Derrick Jensen Author
Whereas Volume 1 of Endgame presents the problem of civilization, Volume 2 of this pivotal work illustrates our means of…
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The Knitting Circle Rapist Annihilation Squad
by Derrick Jensen Author
In this darkly comic novel, the six women of the Knitting Circle meet every week to talk, eat cake, and make fabulous…
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The People's Apocalypse
by Jenny Forrester Editor, Ariel Gore Editor, Derrick Jensen Contributor and Tomas Moniz Contributor
This is a book about the end times: The ground we stand on will fall into the sea or God will stomp down from the sky…
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Lives Less Valuable
by Derrick Jensen Author
At the heart of a city, a river is dying, children have cancer, and people burn with despair. From the safe distance…
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Resistance Against Empire
by Derrick Jensen Author
Through a scathing indictment of U. S. domestic and foreign policy, this collection of interviews gathers incendiary…
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How Shall I Live My Life?: On Liberating The Earth From Civilization
by Derrick Jensen Author
A new collection of interviews edited by Derrick Jensen discussing the destruction left in the wake of dominant culture.…
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