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The Everyday Witch's Coven: Rituals and Magic for Two or More
by Deborah Blake Author
This book offers practical guidance for practicing Witchcraft in a group setting, whether the coven is large or small…
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Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft
by Deborah Blake Author
A comprehensive guide to crafting and casting spells for magical practitioners of all levels. Offering a thorough…
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Everyday Witch's Familiars Oracle
by Deborah Blake Author and Elisabeth Alba Illustrator
This deck is themed around witchy animal familiars often associated with pagan practitioners. The creatures that lend a…
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Llewellyn's Little Book of Witchcraft
by Deborah Blake Author
This little book is full of big magic! Learn all kinds of different witchy skills like altar construction, divination…
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The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows: Witchy Wisdom at Your Fingertips
by Deborah Blake Author
Dive into this treasure trove of witchy wisdom and explore a huge range of topics. From candle magic, to divination,…
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Midsummer: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Litha
by Deborah Blake Author and Grace Llewellyn Author
Midsummer—also known as the Summer Solstice or Litha—is a time to rejoice in abundance and light. This guide to the…
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The Little Book of Cat Magic: Spells, Charms & Tales
by Deborah Blake Author
Familiars aren't just for the witches on TV. Learn about how to incorporate your favorite cat into your magical workings…
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Witchcraft on a Shoestring: Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget
by Deborah Blake Author
You don't have to break your broomstick or go broke practicing your craft! Make your own magickal oils, runes, tarot…
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Everyday Witch Oracle
by Deborah Blake Author and Elisabeth Alba Illustrator
The Everdyay Witch Oracle is a whimsical and beautifully illustrated divination deck for witches of all skill levels.…
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Modern Witchcraft: Goddess Empowerment for the Kick-Ass Woman
by Deborah Blake Author
A guidebook to witchcraft by a Wiccan high priestess, with a focus on the female-empowering aspects of the religion.…
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The Witch's Broom: The Craft, Lore & Magick of Broomsticks
by Deborah Blake Author
While witches can't use brooms to fly through the air, they remain an important part of several different witchcraft…
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