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Heart of the Buddha's Path
by Dalai Lama Author
The Dalai Lama demonstrates how to bring wisdom, contentment, and compassion into one's daily practice. This text is…
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The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living
by Dalai Lama Author and Howard C. Cutler Author
How can we overcome all the many barriers to happiness and a good life, both within ourselves and in the world at large?…
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How To Practise: The Way to a Meaningful Life
by Dalai Lama Author and Jeffrey Hopkins Translator
Intended for practical use in daily practice, this classic book by His Holiness the Dalai Lama breaks down the basic…
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An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life
by Dalai Lama Author
This introductory volume provides readers with an understanding of Buddhism and the key methods by which its…
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Perfecting Wisdom: How Things Appear and How They Truly Are
by Dalai Lama Author
This book outlines the wisdom section of the Dali Lama's oral teaching given in Switzerland on the Mahayana tradition in…
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The Complete Foundation
by Dalai Lama Author
In this foundational piece introducing the teachings of the Dalai Lama, this book dives into the profound beginnings of…
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Healing Emotions: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Psychology, Meditation, and the Mind-Body Connection
by Dalai Lama Author
Buddhist tradition says that the mind can help heal the body, and this book serves as a record of the Dalai Lama's…
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Be Happy
by Dalai Lama Author
It's easy to say "don't be sad!" or "Smile!" but how do you actually replace your unhappiness with joy? In this small…
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Where Buddhism Meets Neuroscience: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on the Spiritual and Scientific Views of Our Minds
by Dalai Lama Author
What is the mind? Is it just a side effect of our brains' physical processes? How does consciousness work? How do…
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Stages of Meditation: The Buddhist Classic on Training the Mind
by Dalai Lama Author
The Dalai Lama explains the principles of meditation in a practice-oriented format especially suited to Westerners.…
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Perfecting Patience: Buddhist Techniques to Overcome Anger
by Dalai Lama Author
If we're going to be able to tap into our innate love and compassion, we also need to face the equally strong forces…
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Be Angry
by Dalai Lama Author
Anger isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes your fury should be harnessed and encouraged, particularly when there's so…
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A Call for Revolution: A Vision for the Future
by Dalai Lama Author
From His Holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama, an impassioned call for “a revolution of compassion.” Acknowledging the…
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Be Kind
by Dalai Lama Author
Kindness is at the foundation of happy, prosperous, and resiliant communities. In this little book His Holiness the…
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Be Here
by Dalai Lama Author
This brief and accessible book explains the Buddhist practice of "being in the present moment." His Holiness the Dalai…
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