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Cyn Marts is an east-coast boricua working her way to literary success on the Best coast. In her spare time she devours pop-culture and genre fiction like a mogwai after midnight. Follow her on twitter at @Cyn0Nym

(We’ve All Got) Baggage: Envisioning an Ideal Community and Engaging It With Our Own Problems and Hangups
by Dawson Barrett Author, Joe Biel Author, Joseph E. Green Author, Cheyenne Winters Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, 6 more
If Microcosm was a person, they'd be in their early twenties, chock full of the messy connotations that this era of…
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Your Best High Life Starter Pack
by Katie Guinn Author, Madrone Stewart Author, Super Pack! Author, Cynthia Marts Author, JP Hawthorne Author and Peter McCoy Author
This collection comes via popular demand from stores with cannabis-loving customers. Here's what's included: Books 4x…
$300.00 $150.00

Ganja Bruja #1
by Cynthia Marts Author
There's more to the high life than good kush. Get educated and inspired to live your best smoker life with this zine.…
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13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
$3.00 8 comments
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Biketopia: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories in Extreme Futures
by Elly Blue Editor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Cynthia Marts Contributor, Maddy Spencer Contributor and Kris Rose Contributor
In a world with an uncertain future, do you imagine for the best or for the worst case scenario? Twelve writers tackle…
$12.95 9 comments
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