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Craven Rock has reported on underground debauchery for over a decade and has been published in Razorcake and Best Music Writing 2008. After a long obsession with Juggalos and the Rainbow Gathering, he set out to report on events like these, Gonzo-style, to find out what they’re really all about.

$25 Superpack: Flyover Country Stories
by Dan Méndez Moore Author, Bill Brown Author, David A. Ensminger Author, Craven Rock Author and Super Pack! Author
From the heart of the USA, these four books will open your eyes to events, subcultures, and factors of everyday life…
$48.00 $25.00

Juggalo Country: Inside the World of Insane Clown Posse and America's Weirdest Music Scene
by Craven Rock Author and Damon Thompson Illustrator
WHOOP! WHOOP! The Insane Clown Posse calls itself "the most hated band in the world," but with 11 million albums sold,…
$16.95 4 comments
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Record Store Starter Pack
by Joe Biel Author, Daniel Makagon Author, Tom Neely Author, Ben Snakepit Author, Bob Suren Author, 4 more
This pack, specifically designed for record stores, includes: 1 Beatles Blackouts1 Punk USAThe History of Miami Hip…
$150.00 $150.00