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Cory M. Linstrum is a Bay Area-based musician, writer and music historian. His written work has appeared in Ugly Things, Human Being Lawnmower, as liner notes on record jackets and in his self-published fanzine Savage Damage Digest. Among other projects he is currently at work on an in depth history of the Berkeley 1970's punk and new wave scenes. He lives in Alameda, California with his wife and two children.
. Among other projects he is currently at work on an in depth history of the Berkeley 1970's punk and new wave scenes. He lives in Alameda, California with his wife and two children.

$20 Superpack: Music Scene Histories
by J. Hunter Bennett Author, Cory M. Linstrum Author, Ben Nadler Author, Super Pack! Author and David A. Ensminger Author
Read all four volumes in our ongoing Scene History series: zines and short books telling the story of a specific place,…
$26.00 $20.00

The Rock & Roll of San Francisco's East Bay, 1950-1980
by Cory M. Linstrum Author
"For every successful local group that ever packed the Fillmore, Avalon, or Winterland Ballrooms, there were dozens of…
$6.99 3 comments
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