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Artist image for Colin Burrowes

Colin Burrowes is a has been, a will be, and a sometimes is in the fields of journalism, podcasting,slipping an extreme leftwinger voice into local politics in an extreme right wing breeding ground,and getting on stage to make an ass of himself with other punks when he feels inspired. He is also continually learning, growing, failing, succeeding, loving, and hopefully contributing to the betterment of this planet rather than its downfall. Some of his independent journalism and his podcasts can be found at If your town has a healthy vegan restaurant Colin would love for you to inform him of that because it makes travel plans easier knowing where good food can be found.

Yeastie Girlz Saved My Life: How Punk Made Me Less of an Asshole

by Colin Burrowes Author

Have you ever had a band save your life? Or help you along the way to becoming a way different person? This is one such…



Buzzcocks: The Lasting Influence of Pete Shelley

by Colin Burrowes Author

In this short and unofficial biography of Pete Shelley and the Buzzcocks, Colin Burrowes uses personal anecdotes and…

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