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50 Things to Do in the Urban Wild
by Clare Gogerty Author and Maria Nilsson Illustrator
As urban living increasingly distances people from nature, this guide offers 50 activities and projects designed to…
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Sacred Places: Where to Find Wonder in the World
by Clare Gogerty Author
This illustrated guide to wellness through travel — exploring the world’s wonders and finding the benefits of new…
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The Witch's Year Card Deck : Modern Magic in 52 Cards
by Clare Gogerty Author
Through the sabbaats, from Litha to Beltane, round the wheel of the year, this deck will provide spreads for the pagan,…
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Your Magical Garden: Harness the power of the elements to create an enchanted outdoor space
by Clare Gogerty Author
Step into your garden and hone your craft. You'll never see your outdoor space the same way after reading through these…
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50 Things to Do in the Urban Wild
by Clare Gogerty Author and Maria Nilsson Illustrator
For city dwellers, getting outside and enjoying the natural world can sometimes seem like a challenge. Public transit…
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Simple Pleasures: Little Things That Make Life Worth Living
by Clare Gogerty Author
This charming list of simple pleasures, as the title indicates, is as straightforward as it is heartwarming. A reminder…
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The Witch's Yearbook: Spells, Stones, Tools and Rituals for a Year of Modern Magic
by Clare Gogerty Author
Develop your modern witchcraft practice with this guide to a year of magical practices. Unveil the magic that surrounds…
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