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Feminist Journal
by Chronicle Books Author
This stylish journal contains inspiring quotes from feminists of all eras, proudly bears the word “Feminist” on its…
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Emo Poetry Generator
by Chronicle Books Author
This flip-style hardcover book makes the perfect gift for anyone looking to get a laugh and reminisce on the sounds and…
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Queer Trivia
by Chronicle Books Author
For trivia enthusiasts or any queer person (or ally) looking for a great party game, or looking to quiz their knowledge…
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Daily Project Deck: Build an Easy and Fun Creative Practice
by Chronicle Books Author and Molly McLeod Author
This deck was designed to be used by artists, creatives, or anyone looking to cultivate a daily creativity practice.The…
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How High Am I? A Journal
by Chronicle Books Author
The problem with pot is that ... wait I forget. Something about short term memory. If you need to capture…
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Gardener's One Line a Day: A Five-Year Book of Garden Memories
by Chronicle Books Author
This journal is all about your gardening adventures over the next five years. Think of it as a diary for your green…
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Moon Playing Cards: Featuring photos from the archives of NASA
by Chronicle Books Author
'Twould be sheer lunacy to neglect this tribute to La Luna. Using high quality NASA archival photos that are so…
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This or That Party Game
by Chronicle Books Author
This family-friendly party game lets you make the choices. Simply pull a card and decide which scenario you'd rather…
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Trust the Triangle Fortune-Telling Deck: Magic Mentor
by Chronicle Books Author
Use this little pocket-sized deck of magic cards to answer any query you might have! Just pose your question and let the…
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Trust the Triangle Fortune-Telling Deck: Pocket Gal Pal
by Chronicle Books Author
For those moments when you need a gal pal but your real life ones aren't handy, use this little pocket-sized deck of…
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712 More Things To Draw
by Chronicle Books Author
This guided sketchbook suggests all sorts of clever, offbeat, and absorbing drawing ideas and prompts. Drawings range…
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Oh Hell No!: And Other Ways to Set Some Damn Boundaries
by Chronicle Books Author, Dani Katz Contributor and Sara Ahmed Contributor
No. Nope. No, thank you. Oh hell no! There's a time for yes—and there's a time for no. This collection of art and…
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Anxiety Is My Sidekick: A Journal for Feeling All the Feelings
by Chronicle Books Author
Anxiety Is My Sidekick is a calming companion for managing anxiety and releasing stress. With encouraging mantras and…
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