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City Magick: Spells, Rituals, and Symbols for the Urban Witch
by Christopher Penczak Author and Judika Illes Author
A new edition of the popular guide for witches navigating the magic of urban environments. How can an earth-based…
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The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development
by Christopher Penczak Author
Unlock your potential, and explore that sacred and boundless personal space where all possibilities come to life.…
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Green Egg Omelette: An Anthology of Art and Articles from the Legendary Pagan Journal
by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart Author, Chas S. Clifton Author and Christopher Penczak Author
Experience the magic, mystery, and even humor from the history of the world as it first appeared - in the pages of the…
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Paganism for Prisoners: Connecting to the Magic Within
by Awyn Dawn Author and Christopher Penczak Foreword
It wasn't until she hit the clink that Awyn Dawn really began to think. Once she started searching for spirituality,…
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The Magickal Botanical Oracle: Plants From the Witch's Garden
by Maxine Miller Illustrator and Christopher Penczak Author
Discover the wisdom of magickal plants with this oracle deck. Combining the worlds of horticulture and occultism, this…
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Queer Qabala: Nonbinary, Genderfluid, Omnisexual Mysticism & Magick
by Enfys J. Book Author and Christopher Penczak Foreword
The Qabala, often similar to or derived from Kabbalah, derives from and describes the practice of ancient Jewish…
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Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden
by Nicholas Pearson Author and Christopher Penczak Author
In this comprehensive guide to using flower essences in magic, you'll find recipes for creating single-flower essences…
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Anatomy of a Witch: A Map of the Magical Body
by Laura Tempest Zakroff Author and Christopher Penczak Foreword
This book is a guide to the most magical tool in your possession—your body. Not just your physical flesh-and-blood…
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The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development
by Christopher Penczak Author
The Inner Temple is your own personal sacred space, a space where all things are possible. The lessons in this book will…
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Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self-Defense
by Christopher Penczak Author
Delve into the nature of self-protection and guided connections through traditional spells and rituals. Great for all…
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