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Building with Secondhand Stuff, 2nd Edition: How to Reclaim, Repurpose, Re-use & Upcycle Salvaged & Leftover Materials
by Chris Peterson Author
In this book, readers can learn how to transform old wood and high quality residue materials into treasure with some DIY…
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Build-It-Yourself Birdhouses: 25+ DIY Birdhouses and Bird Feeders
by Chris Peterson Author
In the pages of this book you will find step-by-step instructions for 25+ unique and creative birdhouses, designed to…
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Manskills: How to Avoid Embarrassing Yourself and Impress Everyone Else
by Chris Peterson Author
This book covers everything a man needs to know in our modern world. Using a practical but light tone, it teaches…
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Dadskills: How to Be an Awesome Father and Impress All the Other Parents - From Baby Wrangling - To Taming Teenagers
by Chris Peterson Author
Want that "Father of the Year" award? Want to impress all the other parents with your preparedness and cool? Then this…
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Building with Secondhand Stuff: How to Re-Claim, Re-Vamp, Re-Purpose & Re-Use Salvaged & Leftover Building Materials
by Chris Peterson Author
Reusing and salvaging materials is one of the best green construction practices you can use, plus with this book you'll…
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