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So Potent Art: The Magic of Shakespeare
by Emily Carding Author and Caitlin Matthews Foreword
This book takes a look at the metaphysical elements in the works of the Shakespeare himself, looking at his plays and…
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The Art of Celtic Seership: How to Divine from Nature and the Otherworld
by Caitlin Matthews Author
Learn the ropes from old-school druids and seers, and discover how you can get inspiration from nature, unlock prophetic…
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Storyworld: Christmas Tales
by Caitlin Matthews Author and John Matthews Author
This create-a-story pack is designed to help you craft your own holiday tales. It includes twenty-eight cards featuring…
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The Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom from the Gods of the Machine
by John Matthews Author and Caitlin Matthews Author
In this tarot deck, The Technomage is king and the Punk Diva is queen. The world of steampunk combines Victorian and…
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The Celtic Book of the Dead: An Oracle to Steer Your Life Journey
by Caitlin Matthews Author and Danuta Mayer Author
In this 42-card oracle based on the ancient Irish story of the Voyage of Maelduin, discover how your own spiritual…
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