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Sticker #413: I believe in second chances

Sticker #413I believe in second chances

by Aza Enigma Author

We all screw up sometimes. Sometimes, a second chance is the only difference between learning from our mistakes and…


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A Friendly Felon's Guide to Life After a Felony

by Aza Enigma Author

Being charged with a felony is not the end of the road and Aza Enigma is here to help you keep pushing forward through…


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Life After a Felony Workbook: Education, Employment, Personal Finance, Community Involvement, and Goals

by Aza Enigma Author

A felony can really screw up your life, but you can, and deserve to, rebuild it stronger than ever. Use Aza Enigma's…


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Sticker #414: you are greater than the sum of your labels

Sticker #414you are greater than the sum of your labels

by Aza Enigma Author

Identity markers help us to understand ourselves and each other and help us find and build community. But they don't…


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