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Automne Zingg is a musician, writer, illustrator, and video artist based in Brooklyn, NY. She uses dark humor and surreal imagery to make critiques about popular culture.

Enter Sandwich: Some Kind of Vegan Cooking with No Connection to Metallica
by Automne Zingg Illustrator and Joshua Ploeg Author
Oh, aging rockers. We've all seen them struggle to get along and cope with life. Maybe they just need to sit around a…
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Hey Ho Let's Dough!: 1! 2! 3! 40 Vegan Pizza Recipes Unrelated to the Ramones
by Automne Zingg Illustrator and Joshua Ploeg Author
When you don’t wanna go down to the pizzeria, whip up these vegan pizzas. Automne Zingg—mastermind behind Comfort…
$14.95 1 comment
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Comfort Eating With Nick Cave: Vegan Recipes To Get Deep Inside of You
by with Joshua Ploeg and Automne Zingg Illustrator
Poor Nick Cave. Life is hard for him and there are many hurdles to deal with every day. And like all of us, Nick is…
$14.95 17 comments
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Defensive Eating With Morrissey: Vegan Recipes From The One You Left Behind
by with Joshua Ploeg and Automne Zingg Illustrator
Poor Morrissey. He's just so... so... hungry. And meat is murder, so that narrows his options by a lot. Until now, at…
$14.95 12 comments
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Record Store Starter Pack
by Joe Biel Author, Daniel Makagon Author, Tom Neely Author, Ben Snakepit Author, Bob Suren Author, 4 more
This pack, specifically designed for record stores, includes: 1 Beatles Blackouts1 Punk USAThe History of Miami Hip…
$150.00 $150.00