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Andy Warhol Coloring Book
by Andy Warhol Author
This coloring book is for anyone who loves to color, from adults to children, museum patrons, and Warhol fans. This…
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Andy Warhol Diaries
by Andy Warhol Author and Pat Hackett Author
This book is a compendium of over twenty thousand pages of Andy Warhol’s diaries, as dictated to Paul Hackett,…
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by Andy Warhol Author and Larry Warsh Editor
This book collects brilliant quotations from the legendary Pop artist, Andy Warhol. Known for his words as much as his…
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The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
by Andy Warhol Author
In this insightful memoir, Andy Warhol shares his unique perspectives on various aspects of life, including love, fame,…
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Andy Warhol Banana Journal with Postcard Set
by Galison Author and Andy Warhol Author
For fans of pop art everywhere, this journal is filled with Andy Warhol photographs, illustrations, quotes and more.…
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