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Artist image for Andria Alefhi

Andria Alefhi publishes a zine, hosts zine festivals, and tries to stave off general insanity while living in Manhattan. In addition to curating and editing We’ll Never Have Paris, a biannual zine that is a collection of nonfiction short stories by first time authorts, and writing Fewer Mannequins, she is also a sign language interpreter and adjunct professor. Her writing can be found at We’ll Never Have Paris (WNHP) has published 8 issues since 2007 and has been sold at book fair and book stores around the country and abroad.

We'll Never Have Paris: Greatist Hits

by Andria Alefhi Editor and Martha Grover Contributor

This collection of short stories brings together the best of the twice-yearly zine We’ll Never Have Paris and…


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