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Amy Subach is really great at pretty much everything she does! In addition to her sharp-witted sense of humor and all-encompassing compassion, she can make all sorts of cool things out of food or fabric or paper or noises. Basically, she’s like the Buddha mixed with Bjork mixed with Picasso.

August Warehouse Sale: Kale 'em All!
by Darin Wick Author, Angel York Author, Cat Callaway Illustrator, Michael Hoerger Author, Mia Partlow Author, 10 more
From the history of chocolate to declassified government documents, this sale is a feast for the mind AND the body.Live…
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Paleo for Unicorns: Eat the Patriarchy
by Amy Subach Author
Paleo for Unicorns is a hilarious, helpful cookbook for people who want to eat what feels right to them without a bunch…
$14.95 4 comments
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Cycletherapy: Grief and Healing on Two Wheels
by Anika Ledlow Editor, Elly Blue Series Editor, Joe Biel Contributor, Anna Brones Contributor, Cheyenne Winters Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor and Amy Subach Contributor
Can you pedal your way through everything life throws at you? Taking on the bicycle as a means of making sense of life…
$9.95 3 comments
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